In contacts of functionally graded elastic solids, the conditions produced are significantly different from the ones in similar contacts of homogeneous elastic materials. Especially it is true for heavily loaded lubricated contacts. The situation is even more diverse due to different dependences of the material elastic parameters on material depth. In the previous papers, the cases of lubricated contacts with coatings made of homogeneous materials are considered using asymptotic and semi-analytical methods. The goal of the paper is to determine the behavior of the coating effectiveness criteria in heavily loaded elastohydrodynamically lubricated (EHL) contacts for coatings with elastic modulus varying linearly and exponentially across the coating thickness as well as to compare the results with the case of coatings made of homogeneous materials. The above criteria include the criteria on the lubrication film thickness and friction force. The approach used for analyzing the influence of functionally graded elastic materials on parameters of heavily loaded line EHL contacts is based on the asymptotic methods earlier developed by the authors. The analysis is based on splitting the problem into two distinct parts: the problem for dry (nonlubricated) contacts and a problem for lubricated contacts. The bridge between the two problems is the asymptotic behavior of pressure in the vicinity of the end points of the contacts. More specifically, in the central part of the contact the solution of the EHL problem for functionally graded materials is close to the one for the dry contact of these materials while in the narrow zones near the inlet and exit points of the contact the lubrication effects become comparable to the effects due to the elasticity of the solids. This approach to the EHL problem solution reveals its structure.
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March 2017
Effectiveness of Coatings With Constant, Linearly, and Exponentially Varying Elastic Parameters in Heavily Loaded Line Elastohydrodynamically Lubricated Contacts
Ilya I. Kudish,
Ilya I. Kudish
Professor of Mathematics
Fellow ASME
Department of Mathematics,
Kettering University,
Flint, MI 48504
Fellow ASME
Department of Mathematics,
Kettering University,
Flint, MI 48504
Search for other works by this author on:
Sergey S. Volkov,
Sergey S. Volkov
Research Fellows and Head of Laboratory
of Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
of Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Search for other works by this author on:
Andrey S. Vasiliev,
Andrey S. Vasiliev
Research Fellows and Head of Laboratory of
Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Search for other works by this author on:
Sergey M. Aizikovich
Sergey M. Aizikovich
Research Fellows and Head of Laboratory of
Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Search for other works by this author on:
Ilya I. Kudish
Professor of Mathematics
Fellow ASME
Department of Mathematics,
Kettering University,
Flint, MI 48504
Fellow ASME
Department of Mathematics,
Kettering University,
Flint, MI 48504
Sergey S. Volkov
Research Fellows and Head of Laboratory
of Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
of Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Andrey S. Vasiliev
Research Fellows and Head of Laboratory of
Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Sergey M. Aizikovich
Research Fellows and Head of Laboratory of
Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Functionally Graded and Composite Materials,
Research and Education Center “Materials”,
Don State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Contributed by the Tribology Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received September 9, 2015; final manuscript received March 20, 2016; published online August 11, 2016. Assoc. Editor: Ning Ren.
J. Tribol. Mar 2017, 139(2): 021502 (15 pages)
Published Online: August 11, 2016
Article history
September 9, 2015
March 20, 2016
Kudish, I. I., Volkov, S. S., Vasiliev, A. S., and Aizikovich, S. M. (August 11, 2016). "Effectiveness of Coatings With Constant, Linearly, and Exponentially Varying Elastic Parameters in Heavily Loaded Line Elastohydrodynamically Lubricated Contacts." ASME. J. Tribol. March 2017; 139(2): 021502.
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