The structural loads on a floating production, storage, and offloading platform induced by a large set of realistic (measured) abnormal waves are compared with the loads induced by “design storms” and also with the minimum values required by Classification Society rules. The design storms have a duration of and correspond to the contour of the scatter diagram of the Northern North Sea. Time domain simulations are performed with a time domain seakeeping program that accounts for the most important nonlinear effects. The results are analyzed to obtain probability distributions of the sagging and hogging peaks of the vertical bending moment. Several theoretical distributions are fitted to the simulated realizations.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
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, Houston, TX, Paper No. OTC 13213.5.
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, Fonseca
, N.
, and Pascoal
, R.
, 2006, “Abnormal Wave Induced Load Effects in Ship Structures
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Guedes Soares
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, Cherneva
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, G. F.
, Schmittner
, C.
, Hennig
, J.
, Guedes Soares
, C.
, Fonseca
, N.
, and Pascoal
, R.
, 2004, “Bending Moments on a FPSO in Rogue Waves
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, Fonseca
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, Pascoal
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, Clauss
, G. F.
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, 2006, “Analysis of the Wave Induced Loads on a FPSO Due to Abnormal Waves
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, pp. 241
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, Guedes Soares
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, 2005, “Vertical Bending Moments Induced by a Set of Abnormal Waves on a Containership
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, H.
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, Vol. 2
, pp. 263
.Copyright © 2008
by American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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