The Garrett Turbine Engine Company/Ford Advanced Gas Turbine Program, designated AGT101, came to an end in June 1987. During this ceramic technology program, ceramic components were exposed to over 250 h of engine test. The 85-h test of the all-ceramic hot section to 1204C (2200F) was a significant accomplishment. However, this AGT101 test program also identified ceramic technology challenges that require continued development. These technology challenges are the basis for the five-year Advanced Turbine Technology Applications Project (ATTAP), which began in Aug. 1987. The objectives of this program include: (1) further development of analytical tools for ceramic component design utilizing the evolving ceramic material properties data base; (2) establishment of improved processes for fabricating advanced ceramic components; (3) development of improved procedures for testing ceramic components and test verification of design methods; and (4) evaluation of ceramic component reliability and durability in an engine environment. These activities are necessary to demonstrate that structural ceramic technology has the potential for competitive automotive engine life cycle cost and life.

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